Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Randomised clinical trials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Randomised clinical trials - Essay Example The critical resource of D G Altman's "Practical Statistics for Medical Research" was also available at Google Books. Various search terminologies were used which include "Evolution/History/Review of Clinical Trials", "Ethical issues of clinical trials", "Nazi medical war crimes", "Nuremberg/Helsinki/Belmont" codes. Formulae for the sample size calculations were also accessed from journal publications and some power point presentation slides which have been cited and calculations were performed manually. Owing to the practical significance of implications of therapeutic interventions for patients, historians have shown an active interest in the charting out of evolution of clinical trials. Histories of clinical trials have been recorded and they have analysed the development of quantification in therapeutic evaluation, the emergence of probabilistic thinking, the application of statistical methods and theory and the sociology, ethics and politics of clinical trials as succinctly summarized by Chalmers (1) in 2001. The basic concept behind the modern day clinical trial is not a new one. In fact, the earliest recorded reference to something resembling a clinical trial can be found in none other than the Bible. The extract, which is found in the Book of Daniel, describes the efforts of the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE), to compare his recommended diet, consisting of meat and wine, with one of legumes and water over a 10 day period. At the end of the trial the king noted that those on the legumes and water diet were fitter than those who had been fed meat and wine and switched the latter to legumes as well. Inclusion of blinding and placebos to reduce observer biases comprise an important factor in planning an effective RCT. Records of these point out to as early as eighteen century when Dr.Benjamin Franklin was appointed by King of France in the Royal Commission to judge the authenticity of "Animal Magnetism" which alleged that sicknesses were caused by some apparent "obstacle" in the flow of body fluids and could be removed by the touch of a physicians finger or by pointing an iron rod. In a retort to the small percentage of success, Franklin replied, " the Spirits given by the Hope of Success them to exert more Strength in moving their Limbs " Clearly, Franklin was aware of what we now call 'the placebo effect' as described by Huth (2) in 2006 Further, Booth (3) in his book in 2005 documented the role of Physician John Haygarth in 1810-1820 attacked the widespread quack of Perkinism which involved "redirecting the natural body electricity" by using bi-material rods and was the first physician to carry out a single blind clinical trial using a placebo. May it be the instance of the challenge put forth by Flemish physician Jean Baptist Von Helmont of ensuring that like is compared with like in the case of people suffering from fevers, pleurisies without bloodletting in the 1700's or Amberson flipping a coin for unbiased allocation for assigning treatment in the Tuberculosis trial in 1938; medical practitioners have considered the ethical aspects of fair allocation and avoidance of undue advantage since a long time now. Unbiased comparison groups according to Chalmers (1) in those times would result either from "schedules (coin tosses, selection of different coloured beads from an urn, reference to

Monday, October 28, 2019

National campaigns Essay Example for Free

National campaigns Essay Walker Crisps control the largest part of the crisps market in the United Kingdom, but lost significant market share three years ago when consumers began turning to other forms of snack. Furthermore, as the populace is made increasingly aware of the poor nutrition of some snack foods, the high salt content, and high fat content, they appear to be turning away from brands perceived as less healthy. Unfortunately, despite a revamping of products in 2006, most crisps products are viewed as less healthy and nutritious than alternatives such as cereal bars. National campaigns designed to improve the quality of school lunches were effective at turning parents away from crisps as a lunchbox staple and adult health campaign have lead people to consider other snack options including fruits, nuts, yogurt and cereal bars. In addition, there is some indication that a declining birth rate has also negatively impacted demand for crisps as they tend to be most popular among the males in their teens and early twenties. Older and more affluent snackers choose other options including specialty, private label crisps, corn-based snacks and gourmet crisps with exotic flavors. It also seems clear from evidenced reported by Mintel analysis of the snack food market that there are some areas in which crisps cannot compete, as some consumers, particularly women seem attached to chocolate and sweet biscuits as a preferred indulgent snack. And, there is a marketing nightmare brewing. While crisps must shed their image as fatty, over-salted snacks with no nutritional value if they are to maintain their market share in a health-conscious environment, evidence suggests that men in particular do not want to eat something labeled as â€Å"diet† or â€Å"healthy†. The key appears to be a serious media campaign to change the way people think about crisps. Evidence suggestions that the three trends most likely to impact the crisps market are: a desire to purchase healthier snacks, a desire for classier snacks, and a desire to eliminate snacking in general. The Move toward Healthier Snacks The evidence is clear that the trend in snacking is to find healthier alternatives. Walker crisps was able to regain some of its lost market share in 2006 with the introduction and promotion of healthier, â€Å"baked† varieties, but still faces an uphill battle. In a recent poll, nearly half of the consumers questioned said they would be willing to spend more to be able to buy foods that were free from chemical additives (Mintel, 2007). Since many so-called â€Å"diet† foods are laden with chemicals ranging from preservatives to artificial sweeteners, this may be a market niche that Walkers could exploit with an all-natural crisp. However, it will take a serious marketing campaign to educate consumers about the â€Å"dangers’ hidden in other snack foods. Mintel’s analysis of Walkers marketing expenditures over the last three years has indicated that they have begun to see the value of print advertising that explains the benefits of their newer, â€Å"healthier† product lines. However, it seems likely that Walkers will have to consider a new multimedia advertising campaign that redirects the way people think about crisps. A strict marketing campaign that shows crisp consumption as part of a healthy diet could also help the company retain market share. Currently, consumers are increasingly turning to other snack options in the belief that they are healthier than crisps. It might be advantageous to do a head to head comparison between crisps and several other snacks demonstrating the relative fat content, calories and other nutritional information. For example, the Mintel study showed that 23 percent of consumers snack on cereal bars, often in the belief that they are a healthy sack. However, reading a product label makes it clear that the average cereal bar has as many calories and carbohydrates as a bag of baked crisps. Walkers also needs to continue with current advertising campaigns which explain the change in oils used to create the crisps and the reduction in salt. All of these combined attacks on accepted nutritional ideas can help to recreate crisps in the minds of the consumer. Furthermore, Mintel analysis shows that consumers are less likely to buy branded products or healthy products when buying for use in entertaining. As part of their overall health campaign, Walkers might want to consider an advertising campaign similar to the ones used by American beer companies. â€Å"Friends don’t let friends drink bad beer† could become something along the lines of â€Å"Show your friends you have great taste, buy walker crisps. † Though the concept is a bit loose, it could be refined and would likely results in increased sales for Walkers. The Move to Classier Snacks Another interesting trend within snack food is the move toward hand-cooked or gourmet crisps. These premium brands tend to be smaller manufacturers instead of multinational corporations like Walkers, which is a division of PepsiCo. These brands are gaining in popularity among more affluent, educated consumers. They have shown a preference for exotic flavors like â€Å"Thai sweet chili† and sea salt and malt vinegar instead of the standard crisps (Mintel, 2007). To that end, it is in the best interest of Walkers to continue to expand their line of premium crisps and to develop new flavors that are likely to appeal to consumers. Within this market, it is also important to appeal to the health conscious consumer, so any effort that can be made to create these new flavors using infused oils and natural spices instead of something cooked up with chemicals is a plus (Mintel, 2007). These consumers are more educated and therefore more likely to be well-informed about the products that they are putting into their bodies. These consumers are in many ways the perfect target for an educational advertising campaign which asks why they are depriving themselves of the textures and flavors they love just so that they can eat a cereal bar that tastes like cardboard. This is also a good market to explore because this demographic is less concerned about the price and more concerned about giving themselves a special treat. Often, hey view everything they eat, drink and wear as a form of status symbol and Walkers would do well to establish their premiums brands within this niche. An advertising campaign that reminds consumers that doing something nice for themselves should also taste good would play well to this demographic. The Move Away from Snacking As part of a health-consciousness campaign, citizens of the United Kingdom are being taught that snacking between meals is leading to the Britain’s obesity problem and should be cut out (Mintel, 2007). According to the Mintel poll, fewer people every year admit to eating between meals. While this may be a factor of people not admitting to themselves what their true behavior patterns are, it can mean that they are not planning ahead for snacking and not purchasing traditional snack foods like crisps. One of the best ways to deal with this would be another form of reeducation for the populace. Though dietary requirements are in an ever-changing state of flux as science learns more and more about how the body works, many diets argue that five or six small meals a day maintain blood sugar levels better than the traditional three meals a day. So, even if the addition is simply mid-morning and afternoon tea, Walkers and other snack providers need to change the way the United Kingdom thinks about snacks. Again, the goal is not to have crisps replace full meals like breakfast, but crisps with tea might be a marketing ploy that Walkers could successfully market especially in terms of their premium, exotic brands. Acknowledging that they are competing with scones and sweet biscuits and everything else for every moment the consumer chooses a snack is imperative to Walkers efforts to maintain their market share. Conclusions The simple truth is that snack foods are facing an increased amount of competition every day with more and more companies looking for alternatives to the standard potato crisp. Therefore, companies which rely on crisps as a major segment of their brand identity must find new ways to market and appeal to consumers. Since we have established that current buying behavior seems to be based on perceived nutritional value, perceived class and the perception that snacking makes you fat, an aggressive marketing campaign designed to challenge these notions and change them is necessary. Walks must change the perception of crisps as an unhealthy waste of calories and a blase snack. They must jazz it up and create a desire for people to incorporate crisps into their daily diet. Otherwise, they will continue to watch their market share slip away. WORKS CITED â€Å"Crisps and Snacks†, Mintel Reports, May, 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Albert Einstein Essay -- Biography Biographies

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein (1879-1955) is believed to be the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He developed many theories that led to many breakthroughs. With his well-known famous look, the white messy hair and the absent-minded look on his face, he was the perfect example of the typical scientist. Einstein became internationally renowned as a leading scientific thinker and as an accomplished mathematician. His contributions to science have left a lasting impression throughout the universe. Albert Einstein was a highly intelligent man who earned many honors and accomplishments. Born into a Jewish family at Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879, Einstein spent his youth in Munich, where his father, Hermann and his uncle, Jacob Einstein, owned a small shop that manufactured electric machinery. His mother encouraged him to study music, but it was his Uncle Jacob who inspired his fascination for mathematics. As a youth, he showed a brilliant ability to understand difficult mathematical concepts. In 1895, Einstein failed an exam that would have allowed him to study for a diploma as an electrical engineer in Zurich. Following the failing of the entrance exam, Einstein attended secondary school at Aarau and planned to use this route to enter the school in Zurich. In 1900, he succeeded with his plan graduating as a teacher of mathematics and physics. For two years Einstein worked as a tutor and substitute teacher. In 1902, he secured a position as an examiner in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Einstein married Mileva Maric in 1903, a classmate of his, and they had two so ns named Hans Albert and Edward. However, the outbreak of World War I made him separated from his family and him and his wife divorced in 1919. Einstein late... ...arted preparing for death by drawing up his will in 1950. One week before his death, Einstein signed his last letter. It was a letter in which he agreed that his name should go on a manifest urging all nations to give up nuclear weapons. Albert Einstein died during his sleep April 18, 1955 in Princeton after many years of bad health. "Albert Einstein ranks with Galileo and Newton as one of the great conceptual revisers of our understanding of the universe," Jonas Maxe. All of his life Albert Einstein devoted himself to the world not only with his scientific accomplishments, but his political and social causes as well. It is amazing that the one person who gave us the conceptual understanding of the universe made his last act before death a plea for international peace. Albert Einstein contributed to the world lasting meaning and will always be remembered by that.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay -- Fitzgerald Great Gatsb

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, there is a constant feeling of movement and the desire to get away. Nick, Gatsby, Wilson, Tom and Daisy all move, or have the intention of moving. Not only does this movement seem to foreshadow events in the book, but it also seems to lead to the conclusion that society as a whole in the 1920's was rather unstable and was undergoing constant change. Not all the characters move in the same way, and this shows how different their backgrounds and lifestyles are. The main movement seems to be from west to east. Throughout the decades man is said to be progressing through the steps of evolution and toward the setting sun, or east to west. The characters move in opposite direction from which the sun sets, which seems significant to the physical and psychological patterns of the characters. The two main characters that movement affects are Nick and Gatsby. The movement of Nick and Gatsby in this direction shows us how their personalities and feelings change as the sun goes down. There are also the various meanings that the sun has, that seems to map out, or affect their near future. The sun foreshadows Nick and Gatsby's actions and emotions, which in turn are affected by the many representations the sun has. Jay Gatsby is a character that the sun affects in such a way that it becomes a symbol of his ability to direct his will and, when put together with his dream, this gives him a sense of purpose. Jimmie Gatz was born in a town in Minnesota. After changing his name to Jay Gatsby, he moved to West Egg, Long Island in order to start a new life revolved around impressing Daisy. Here the sun represents a psychological belie... ...nd that they, "had never, all along, intended doing anything at all. But it was done now. It was too late."(139) Just as the colors begin to bloom in the dazzling night sky they fade and disappear out of sight, just as Nick moves away. The rising sun has been used to describe progress and evolution, but as the sun travels backwards, it shows people for who they really are. The light is shone hard on the characters, so much so that they have nothing to hide behind. This minor action seems to set and change the entire novel at the same time. It also fits in perfectly with the flow or plot of the book. It shows how the characters are slowly opening up to their surroundings, and how much the sun, metaphorically, affects them. Throughout the novel, the sun has shone light on certain characters to show the power and hidden creativity of the unconscious mind.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


What Is gender oscillation? (4 marks) 1. 2 using examples, explain how gender oscillation takes place wealth families? (6 marks) 1. 3 Identify and explain two possible problems that are a result of gender solicitation In the family. (4 marks) 1. 4 what strategies can be employed to redress problems relating to gender solicitation? (6 marks) Task 2- 4 typed pages, font 12, double spacing follow: I am the Girl Child by Antitank Cabala When I was born in Imbue, you tied twigs on my cot saying I would be a fetcher of firewood.When I was born in Inner, you said four ululations for me and five for my brother When I was born in Ethiopia, you said to give birth to a girl child was to bear a problem' When I was born in Zambia, you said ‘a girl is a peanut seed, she enlarges the clan' When I was born in Somalia, you told me that women are children with big feet When I was born in Nigeria, you told me that women were responsible for making the sky go higher and higher so that we cannot fe ed on it When I was born in Cameroon, you told me Women are half men' Finally, when I was born in BurningFast, you said When a woman praises you for climbing, she is praising you for your falling' My country, look at me! My continent, my father, my mother, my brother, my sisters too. 2. 1 Identify and explain the gender Issues In the poem (5 marks) 2. 2 What are the direct and indirect causes of African societies' negative perception of women as evidenced in the poem? (5 marks) 2. 3 How do such perceptions Influence the treatment of women and men In African societies? (5 marks) 2. 4 Give suggestions on what can be done to deconstruct such perceptions? (5 marks)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Media Conglomeration essays

Media Conglomeration essays CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1, BET, Paramount Pictures, UPN, Spike TV, TV Land, CMT: Country Music Television, Comedy Central, Showtime, and Blockbuster Video. Â  These are just a few of the companies that media giant Viacom owns. Â   Viacoms website states that CBS is the most watched network on TV. Â  It also says that MTV is the most widely distributed television network in the world, Paramount Pictures is a leading distributor of motion pictures, and infinity broadcasting is one of the largest radio operators in the United States. Â  Viacom also owns book publishing companies, video stores, and even amusement parks. Â  There is no doubt that Viacom is one of the largest and most influential companies in the world. But does the quality of the media go down because of these large media giants? Â  Do companies care about the public being truly informed, or are they just out Beginning with the first of the mega media mergers, Capital Cities buying ABC in 1986, and then after the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which opened the floodgates, the trend has been for large corporations to buy media and broadcast companies. Â  According to the FCC there have been over 1000 broadcast deals in the last ten years. Â   But often the conglomeration of media outlets hurts consumers by taking choice out of their hands and putting it into the hands of corporations. The media giants have become neglectful in their duties to serve a public interest. Â  Instead they serve their own narrow interest. Â  These narrow interests do serve the stockholders, theoretically of which anyone can become, but this is not the traditional position that media outlets should hold. Corporate pressure to squeeze out every penny in earnings has forever changed the look of news reporting. Â  Gone are the days of respected newsmen such as Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow. Â  Gone are the ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Blue Shadow

Blue Shadow In a land of magic, there is a castle on the top of the mountain. There lives a family with a new born child. The brother of the new born is watching the baby, and the mother tells her husband give each child a ring. The brother asks mother what is the meaning of that ring. The mother smiles to the boy and says it is family tradition to pass on the ring to their children. In that moment, a dark witch comes in to the castle. Everyone is being spelled by the dark power. The dark witch comes in and kills the man and the woman with a strong fight. The parents known the dark witch will come, so they send both the boy and the baby sister to the real world from being killed.Once the boy and the baby sister to the reality world, the brother left the sister in a secret alleyway.Elizabeth Martin many times the ring's is color just like the skin, only a short time it will appear blue. It was...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Field Day Activities for Elementary Students

Field Day Activities for Elementary Students The school year is coming to an end how will your class celebrate? With a school field day, of course! Here you will find the top 8 field day activities for elementary students. Each of these activities is easy to set up and will provide hours of entertainment. Note: The activities listed below are for a small group or a whole group setting. Each activity may require special materials. Egg Toss This isnt the classic game you may be thinking of. This egg toss game requires a variety of different colored plastic eggs. Randomly divide students into groups and assign each group a color egg. Set up a bullseye type target and label with points. The outer hole is 5 points, the inner hole is 10 points, and the center hole is 15 points. The object of the game is to get the eggs in the hole. The team with the most points wins. Dress up Relay This is a unique spin on the classic relay race. Divide students into teams of two and have each team stand one behind another in a straight line. Choose one person from each team to stand at the opposite end of the room. On your go, students will take turns running to the end of the line to put one piece of silly clothing on their classmate. (By silly, think a wig, clown shoes, dads shirt etc.) The team who has their classmate completely dressed and are all standing back in line, wins. Hula Hoop Dance Off This field day activity is pretty self-explanatory. Each student is given a hula hoop and at your go, must dance while hula hooping. The person who dances the longest while keeping up the hula hoop wins. Balance Beam Egg Walk For this field day activity, you will need a balance beam, spoon, and a few dozen eggs. You can either divide students into teams of two or have each student play for themselves. The object of the game is to carry the egg on the spoon across the balance beam without falling off. Tic Tac Toe Toss Tic Tac Toe Toss is among one of the most popular field day activities for elementary students. This game requires nine Frisbees, which you flip upside down and use as the tic tac toe board. It also requires Popsicle sticks, (which you glue together to form an x) and butter lids, (which will be used as the o). To play the game, have students toss their x or o onto the Frisbee to see who can get tic tac toe. The first one that gets three in a row, wins. Mystery Bowls Do you want to creep out your students? For this field day activity, students will have to guess what they are feeling while blindfolded. In a small fish bowl place objects such as cold pasta, peeled grapes, gummy worms, and jello. Have students take turns trying to guess what they touched. The first team to guess the most jars wins. (It is best to divide students into teams of two for this game.) Stack Them up Relay Children are naturally competitive and love relays. For this game, all you need is paper cups and a table. Divide students into teams of two and have them stand in a relay line. The object of this field day game is to be the first team to stack their cups into a pyramid. To begin, one person from each team runs to the table across the room and places their cup on the table and runs back. Then the next team member does the same thing but they must place it in a position that a pyramid can be formed by the last person. The first team to stack their cups into a pyramid wins. Then the next team member does the same thing but they must place it in a position that a pyramid can be formed by the last person. The first team to stack their cups into a pyramid wins. Go Fish Spelling No field is complete without a fishing game. Fill a baby swimming pool with words students have learned throughout the school year. Make sure to place a magnet on the back of each word. Then adhere a magnet on the end of a fishing pole or yardstick. Divide students into teams, and have each team compete against each other to create a sentence. The first team to create a sentence with the words they fished out in three minutes wins.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Management Wk3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Management Wk3 - Assignment Example The methods and strategies aim at making a business dominate its market space. Competitive advantage management is, therefore, an integral part of a business plan. This paper explores value creation and competitive advantage. In particular, the paper discusses key steps in creating value and importance of competitive advantage. In addition, the paper highlights how a multinational company maintains competitive advantage over its competitor. According to Bamford & West (2009), creating value and competitive advantage in a business calls for, as the first step, an understanding of competitive advantage type an organization wishes to employ in. Based on Michael Porter’s analysis, competitive advantage, as a firm’s strength, is categorized as either differentiation or cost advantage (Bamford & West, 2009). Cost advantage occurs when a company delivers similar products like its competitors but at low costs, while differentiation entails delivering high quality products than those of a rivaling business. The second step involves assessing available resources in a business. Available resources determine whether a business applies one type of competitive advantage or both. Third step involves evaluating strengths or abilities of a business (Bamford & West, 2009). Strengths of a company are vital in planning for steady progress of an organization. From abilities and resources, a business realizes its distinctive c ompetencies. Identified skills facilitate efficiency, innovativeness, and quality customer-business relation. The final step involves deciding on when and how to apply formulated strategies. Wal-Mart is an example of a multinational company that has successfully applied the concept of value creation and competitive advantage to win its competitors. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. runs numerous chains of warehouse stores and large discount retail shops worldwide. According to Fishman (2006), the company is considered as among

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stem cell research and why it should have more funding Paper

Stem cell and why it should have more funding - Research Paper Example The decision was affirmed by President Bush but recently most of the restrictions were lifted by President Obama. I think that although majority of the people present all around the world do not support the research on the embryonic stem cells, it should still be funded by the Federal because of the potential health benefits related to it, opportunity for lifting the regulation for ethical research and also for the purpose of defining human beings (Stem Cell Research). The wide range of perspectives that are being used for the stem cells are constantly improving the wellbeing and health of the people. In the treatment of stem cells, the undifferentiated cells are programmed in a way that they form specific type of cells that can be later on transplanted to the afflicted area of the body. Stem cells can be used for treating afflictions such as the injuries related to the spinal cord, burns, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (Murnaghan). Stem cell is also being used for drug testing. Different untested drugs are first used on the stem cells, which later develop into different target tissues before directly using it on human beings. This improves safety and saves the precious lives of human beings. The transplantation of organs that are formed from the stem cells would eradicate the need of human donors. Embryonic stem cell is considered to be the most promising one because it is undifferentiated and it can easily develop into the targeted tissue. As stem cells has the ability to form specific cells; therefore they have the greatest potential for the treating some major ailments in future. One of the recent developments in the researches related to stem cells is creation of the induced pluripotent cells, which are considered to be the adult cells that become undifferentiated after a series of different treatments.

Economic history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economic history - Essay Example setting up policies like maximizing the use of domestic resources, limiting wages, export subsidies, all aimed at accumulating monetary reserves (Brue & Randy 42). David Hume disagreed with mercantilism on their trade restrictions by stressing that trade restrictions are restriction of innovation, and so these opened avenues for uniform market competition. Physiocrats stressed the importance of agriculture in the economy; he proposed that agriculture is a vital organ in the development of any economy. He suggested an economic environment free of government restrictions when it comes to transactions between two private parties; the only regulations he proposed are those that protects property rights. Since individuals have a natural right to freedom, it should be understood that nature is a self-regulating system and harmonious so human control should never be factored in. Adam smith proposed the idea of artificial stimulation of manufacturing and trade; he made it clear that real wealth of a country not only consist of gold and silver, but also in its houses, lands and consumable goods of all different kinds (Brue & Randy 45). He fueled foreign trade by recognizing that it could explore the overseas markets and largely promote development of production capabilities of the nation and consequently lead to a rise in real wealth owned by a country. He also contributed to the idea of a free market by proposing to the government to reduce and abandon control over foreign trade, and he suggested for the implementation of free trade policies. David Ricardo shed light on the importance of agriculture, by analyzing the importance of diminishing returns. He postulated that a utility is mandatory for exchange values, but does not determine it. He promoted extreme industrial specialization by proposing that a nation should put more efforts on industries in which it is more internationally competitive. Ricardo suggested trade with other countries to obtain goods not produced

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Synoptic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Business Synoptic - Essay Example It also helps define the optimal use of the resources in the changing business environment to meet the set objectives. A strategy defines the roles and responsibilities of the organization. According to the Harvard Policy Mode, strategy is a pattern of purposes and policies defining the company and its business (Carter, 1999). The strategy implementation involves several steps as follows: Source: Schraeder (2002). Globalization is a concept that speaks of one world with similar tastes and preferences. However, Nestle does not believe in globalization of consumer behavior and tastes. They follow the philosophy that consumers are individuals. They do not follow a set pattern and hence cannot be classified as global consumers. Thus, in clarification of their objectives, they evaluated the globalization trend and concluded that they wanted to have a customization approach rather than a globalization approach. However, the globalization principle did help in focusing on the emerging marke ts as they conducted an external and internal analysis. They could identify the gap in the services in the emerging markets and found tremendous potential. They could foresee the removal of trade barriers and the rising consumerism in these economies. This is the reason they adopted the early-mover principle in these markets. They could also analyse and find that they could achieve competitive advantage by fulfilling consumer needs in these markets. Link between the two concepts Strategy implementation involves several steps. Strategy implementation required them to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of globalization. It also brought to light that removal of trade barriers had opened up the opportunities in the emerging markets. They thus first developed their corporate level strategy to approach the emerging markets. Strategy is drawn up at three levels – the corporate, business and the functional levels. This helps them decide on the choice of products, the choice of mar kets and the choice of competitors. To fulfill individual consumer needs or the local needs requires a strategy that differs from the globalization approach. They hence standardize wherever possible but adapted wherever necessary. This provided them with the competitive advantage and gain foothold in the emerging economies. To achieve success, they had to change their strategy of having global managers. Just as there can be no global consumers as per Nestle philosophy, they also believed that the workers should maintain their own cultures but follow the Nestle principles. Maintaining their own cultures enables them to understand the market needs better and make adaptation as necessary. Thus, as a part of their functional strategy, they provided complete autonomy to the local managers to function but in alignment with their overall philosophy, they maintained control having their own expatriate managers to oversee the operations in these nations. After careful evaluation they adopted the transnational approach to internationalization as it allows them control over the operations. They could understand that consumers are not global in their tastes and behavior and that local culture is important. The two concepts are interlined because strategy cannot be developed in isolation. Since the trend was towards globalization, Nestle evaluated the strategic options and concluded that it could gain competitive advan

Writing a memoir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing a memoir - Essay Example I once came face to face with my own feelings toward a bully that made me reassess my own ability to feel empathy toward someone who had never done anything but expressed profound hatred toward me and others. This bully's name was Fidel and he had a habit of picking on people. One day a kid fought back and Fidel was on the receiving end of a good old-fashioned whooping. My sympathy went toward Fidel who had been such a perfect model of a bully rather than the little kid who had avenged us all. Why Why on earth did I suddenly feel this compassion toward a person for whom I had never felt anything but contempt I realized that day that the mind is far more than a mystery; it is a comic mystery, forever capable of upending expectations. What I learned from feeling an unexpected depth of emotion toward someone that I normally feared and despised was that placing some kind of expectation upon emotions is senseless. Whenever I hear someone say something like "nobody would ever react in such and such a way" what they are really saying is everybody reacts the same way to every circumstance. My compassion for a brutal bully allows me to laugh at people expressing such remarkably unimaginative beliefs. The experience with Fidel and the intrusio

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Synoptic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Business Synoptic - Essay Example It also helps define the optimal use of the resources in the changing business environment to meet the set objectives. A strategy defines the roles and responsibilities of the organization. According to the Harvard Policy Mode, strategy is a pattern of purposes and policies defining the company and its business (Carter, 1999). The strategy implementation involves several steps as follows: Source: Schraeder (2002). Globalization is a concept that speaks of one world with similar tastes and preferences. However, Nestle does not believe in globalization of consumer behavior and tastes. They follow the philosophy that consumers are individuals. They do not follow a set pattern and hence cannot be classified as global consumers. Thus, in clarification of their objectives, they evaluated the globalization trend and concluded that they wanted to have a customization approach rather than a globalization approach. However, the globalization principle did help in focusing on the emerging marke ts as they conducted an external and internal analysis. They could identify the gap in the services in the emerging markets and found tremendous potential. They could foresee the removal of trade barriers and the rising consumerism in these economies. This is the reason they adopted the early-mover principle in these markets. They could also analyse and find that they could achieve competitive advantage by fulfilling consumer needs in these markets. Link between the two concepts Strategy implementation involves several steps. Strategy implementation required them to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of globalization. It also brought to light that removal of trade barriers had opened up the opportunities in the emerging markets. They thus first developed their corporate level strategy to approach the emerging markets. Strategy is drawn up at three levels – the corporate, business and the functional levels. This helps them decide on the choice of products, the choice of mar kets and the choice of competitors. To fulfill individual consumer needs or the local needs requires a strategy that differs from the globalization approach. They hence standardize wherever possible but adapted wherever necessary. This provided them with the competitive advantage and gain foothold in the emerging economies. To achieve success, they had to change their strategy of having global managers. Just as there can be no global consumers as per Nestle philosophy, they also believed that the workers should maintain their own cultures but follow the Nestle principles. Maintaining their own cultures enables them to understand the market needs better and make adaptation as necessary. Thus, as a part of their functional strategy, they provided complete autonomy to the local managers to function but in alignment with their overall philosophy, they maintained control having their own expatriate managers to oversee the operations in these nations. After careful evaluation they adopted the transnational approach to internationalization as it allows them control over the operations. They could understand that consumers are not global in their tastes and behavior and that local culture is important. The two concepts are interlined because strategy cannot be developed in isolation. Since the trend was towards globalization, Nestle evaluated the strategic options and concluded that it could gain competitive advan

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership and management in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership and management in nursing - Essay Example General strategies for effecting changes in human systems are power coercive strategy; empirical-rational strategy; and normative/re-educative strategy. Though there are many change strategies, and responsibilities of pathway leadership is challenging, successful change will materialize only with the cooperation and commitment of those involved in the change process. Under these circumstances a case study of the challenges faced by a registered nurse, newly posted in orthopaedic ward of a regional hospital, is attempted to identify efficacy of different change strategies. All professional nurses prefer autonomy and control of their practice and want to apply their nursing knowledge and skills without interference from nurse managers, physicians, or persons in other discipline. â€Å"Changing clinical practice involves addressing deeply held beliefs and traditional rituals† and â€Å"developing new services often involves changing professional roles, boundaries, and loyalties,† because each profession has a unique set of values (Ridout 2002). Leading change is the mainstay of leadership skill, and â€Å"the person responsible for moving others who are affected by the change through its stages† is identified as a change agent ((Daly, Speedy and Jackson 2003, p.195). â€Å"The ability to harness internal motivation, the readiness to take responsibility and to persist, and the drive to stretch for higher performance, take risks, and accomplish goals typify leaders high in achievement, orientation and initiative† (Roussel & Swa nsburg 2008, p.123). General strategies for effecting changes in human systems identified by Robert Chin and D. Benne (1976) that are based on reasons people change their behaviour are: (1) power coercive strategy; (2) empirical-rational strategy; (3) and normative/re-educative strategy (cited by Nickols, 2003) â€Å"The power-coercive style is a top down dictatorial style to change† (Ridout 2002). The basic tenet of power-coercive

The Importance of Education Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Education Essay Can you believe that in some countries education is not free? And in â€Å"Pakistan†, the Taliban doesn’t let girls go to school because they think, that â€Å"God is a tiny, little conservative being who would send girls to hell†. Just because of going to school. In my opinion, the importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positive effect on human life. All people need to study, only with the advent of education can people gain knowledge open up their mind a little more. Apparently, people may become more useful and civilized if better educated. For example, in areas where residents are not able to receive an appropriate education, life cannot be as thriving and prosperous as locations where there is a high standard for education. In fact, education plays such a rudimentary role on our society that we cannot even imagine a life without it. It is a determined element for the civilization of human society. Not only does It helps us develop healthy surroundings but it also generates an advance community. As a matter of fact, everything we create today is based on the knowledge that we obtain throughout our life by way of education. That is to say, by working and living among foreigners some of the barriers between countries can be broken down, helping to create a more educated peaceful world. As to say diplomatic reaction would be of benefit to all. Malala said â€Å" We call upon the governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world†. I do agree with Malala, every child should have the opportunity to go to school and get some education that will help them have a better future, education is very important. Consequently, education is viewed as a vital key to success in life and knowledge has become every individual aim or concern, each one of us is born in a different medium and different social and cultural norms. However, most of us approve of educations positive effects on society. Therefore, ‘ Why do we need education?  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is the issues to tackle, to get a better grip of this complex theme we have to distinguish three different types of education, there is the formal education, like school, the life time education, learning through difficult situations and the education by our parents. To lead a successful county we have to keep it on a standard level of education to be able to import the cultural heritage to the younger generation. There is again a division to be made between the inherited educated or knowledge and the education tough at school, education develops a meaningful outlook on life. As a result, education is most important in life like our basic needs food, clothes and shelter. With the beginning we learn how to interact with others how to make friends because of education. Furthermore, Malala said â€Å"Peace is necessary for education. In many parts of the world especially Pakistan and Afghanistan; terrorism, wars and conflicts stop children to go to their schools. We are tired of these wars. Woman and children are suffering in many parts of the world in many ways. In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labor. Many schools have been destroyed in Nigeria. People in Afghanistan have been affected by the hurdles of extremism of decades. Young girls have to do domestic child labor and are forced to get married at early age. Poverty, ignorance, racism and deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by both man and woman. To conclude, we can say that education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights. It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. Education is the solution. Education first.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Overview Of The Business Planning Process Business Essay

Overview Of The Business Planning Process Business Essay Subway chain is the third largest fast food chain in the world after McDonalds and KFC. The first Subway was founded in 1965. The founder of the Subway chain, Fred De Luca, started running his restaurant business when he was only 17 years old. The first Subway restaurant was opened nine years after its foundation in Connecticut where the headquarter is now situated in Subway Denmark. Now there are more than 30,000 Subway restaurants in 88 countries worldwide and it is the worlds fastest growing franchise chain. New Subway restaurants are opening all the time. The franchise chain has employed more than 150,000 people. (Subway 2009) Subway offers customers many different kinds of fresh submarine sandwiches also called subs. Customers always decide how they want their sandwiches to be served. Subways advertising is based on freshness. Slogan Eat Fresh tells that Subway chain uses only freshly baked bread and fresh ingredients. Subway has a lot of competitors for example McDonalds, Burger King. (wikipedia) Terms and reference This report was written at the request of Guillermo Merelo our Organisation and Management tutor, to investigate and analyse management in organisation in the context of current management theory. Scope and Methodology The report considers a range of organisation issues, researching key aspects of management within the organisation. The organisation structure and processes are analysed and evaluated in relation to current theory. There are two types of sources which are related with the research of assessment. Primary These are the major sources in this all the interviews related with the assessment are coming. Secondary The information getting from the internet and books come under the secondary sources. Executive summary Type and Size of the organisation The subway which situated in the Mangere is owned by the owner Trung Keue. Total 6 employees are working in the store and they are well trained as well as doing the proper job with great and excellent skills of customer service. Organisation structure The Subway has a very simple organisation structure so the business can be run smoothly and effectively. All the jobs are assigned to the staff and everybody knows where they should report. Company has frontline staff to serve the customers and managers to manage the business. Environmental factors For a company it is important to know the market it is operating in. Knowing the possibilities for entering the market and the potential customers are vital. Furthermore it is a good idea to look at the macro environmental factors that are influencing the market. To get a better knowledge about a market, the following main question is asked: How attractive is the market for fast food? Planning and controlling Every planning process goes through a series of stages.   In essence the aim is to complete each of the following steps: Analyse the external environment Analyse the internal environment Define the business and mission Set corporate objectives Formulate strategies Make tactical plans C:UsersfriendsDesktopdownload.jpg Team structure and dynamics As the subway is the fast food restaurant business so there are 6 to 8 family members are the backbone of the company as well as company has some of full time and some of part time staff to help them in business. All staff is personally trained by the owner so the best customer service can be provided. And company want the front line staff to attend every single customer when arrive in the store. Leadership There are some types which a company wants to see his/her as a team leader. As per good leader, there are some key elements which every team leader should have, which are following as:-responsible, motivate and well co-operate. 2.1 Type and Size of the organisation 2.1 a Findings: Subway follows the informal structure as the company always welcome the views and the ideas of all their staff. As company is small, it has small team of staff members. By adopting this structure all the seniors in the company can interact with the frontline staff and the managers as well easily and effectively. As frontline staff is the best medium that can pass the customer opinion to the senior level so business can do changes as per the customer requirement and the demand to get the maximum profit with the customer satisfaction. All the staff feel more confident and feel like a team and do their best to achieve the company target. All the staff members meet on regular basis and share their experience and views. 2.1 b. Analysis According to me the subway is one of the well reputed organisations among the food courts because it is operated by the American Doctors Association maybe thats why the subway got more popularity among people around the world. Moreover, the total numbers of staff are sufficient if they are well trained and organised by the owner. Because the workers working in the subway they are skilled workers as well as they do a lot of work and facing new challenges at their workplace every day. Subway makes fresh and healthy sandwiches on the demand of their customers. Moreover, for the satisfaction and the trust of the customer staff prepare the sandwich in front of the customer as per their demands and suggestions. In my views subway has to provide the different dresses to crew and manager so that everyone can see the difference among them. Furthermore, because of growing fresh food industry, people are now more preferring to subway restaurant than other fast food industries. 2.2 Organisation Structure 2.2 a Findings Team The subway restaurant management system consists of two basic parts. For each component of the organisation there is a manager who keeps on eyes all the activities which employers are doing and the employer only report to the manager. Subway is using both the organisation structures traditional and modern as well, it does depend on the situation. Any of the complaint directly goes to the head office and it go through the phone and internet. Subway restaurant has different department for different purpose like development, and finance. The team working in the subway restaurant they are doing their work very effectively. They always report each other and if any problem arrives then they solve together. Time by time the subway offers to the customer different type of cheap deals of food which affordable for the customers. Actually the association work too effectively they always keep in mind the customer demand and what type of food they like as well as they also keep in mind the both kind of people vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Customer A company needs to know who its customers are. To know the target group and its preferences can be a huge advantage. Knowing this would make it easier to make decisions concerning products, service and promotion. Structure Organizational structure characterized by (1) Flatness: communications and interactions are horizontal, (2) Low specialization: knowledge resides wherever it is most useful. Organic organizations are comparatively more complex and harder to form, but are highly adaptable, flexible, and more suitable where external environment is rapidly changing and is unpredictable. (Adrian Kwan) 2.2 b Analysis According to my views the subway restaurant has flat structure. A flat organisation will have few layers or just one layer of management. This means that the Chain of Command from top to bottom is short. Span of control refers to the number of employees that each manager is responsible for. If a manager has lots of employees reporting to them, their span of control is said to be wide. A manager with a small number of direct reports has a narrow span of control. Due to the small number of management layers, flat organisations are often small organisations. The structure of the organisation: Flat Organisational Structure Diagram Instead of this there is no difference in the looking of manager and the workers. In the organisation manager should always look different in dress than workers then the customers easily find who the manager is and if they got any issue then they can complaint him. If any employer doing any mistake or customer service is not good then the complaint should reach till the manager or the owner of franchisee but instead of this customer complaint directly go to headquarter. 2.3 Environmental factors 2.3 a Findings External factors The external factors is outside influences on the business. Various factors can impact on the business to get its goal. These factors are social, legal and technology changes. The external factors which impact on the subway restaurants are: Social-  The social impact is that how consumers, households and communities behave against the organisation. For instance, changes in attitude towards health, or a greater number of pensioners in a population. Legal-The legal effect is in which way legislation in society affects the business. E.g. changes in employment laws on working hours. Economical-  How the economy affects a business in terms of taxation, government spending, general demand, interest rates, exchange rates and European and global economic factors. Political-  How changes in government policy might affect the business e.g. a decision to subsidise building new houses in an area could be good for a local brick works. Technological-How the rapid pace of change in production processes and product innovation affect a business. Ethical- what is regarded as morally right or wrong for a business to do. For instance should it trade with countries which have a poor record on human rights? (tutor 2 u) Internal factors The inner factors belong to strength and weakness of the organisation. The internal factors strongly affect that how company meet its objective and goal. The internal factors come under: Staffing-The Subway restaurant care of all the staff members. The company treat their staff as a family so they can feel confident and secure in the company. The company always try to minimise the dispute between any of the staff member but even if anything happen, the owner of the subway restaurant always try to resolve the matter within the organisation. Training- Staff training is very important for any organisation. In the first two weeks the subway owner provide the specific training to the new employer as well as if he dont understand everything in the two week period of time then the manager give him more time to understand the task because the organisation objectives and goal stand on the excellent service. Product Quality Quality is the main part for all the business especially when dealing with food industry and the owner of the subway restaurant knows that very well that to get the goal of the organisation the best quality product is the best and easy way for the organisation. The managers of subway restaurant always tell the employee about the quality of the product such as: bread, salads and other meat product. Because the subway restaurant motto prefer to the eat fresh and its the rule of the every subway restaurant that they will provide all the fresh vegetables and meat as well as if any product find by the investigation team then they give the warning once after the store can be out of competition. Safety There are some safety rules the employees are following during the work time. They always wear the gloves while they are serving the customer and the big thing is no one can use the same gloves second time because if they will use the same gloves for the next customer then it can be the cause of food reaction and some time customer are eating vegetarian some of them dont like non-vegetarian so the employee always keep in mind the safety for the customers and themselves. The another thing while the closing time at night they always put the sign wet floor when they clean the floor and if they will not then maybe they have to face heaps of problems. 2.3 b Analysis According to my views Subway restaurant is the well organised fast food organisation and there are others in the market like McDonalds, Burger King, and KFC as competitors. Because of other fast food restaurants subway decreases the sale and customers. Other food restaurants provide the food in fewer prices thats why most of the majority of customer attract to them. Subway is too expensive against them and they should decrease the price and make them under the pocket of people because people are not happy to spend lot money. Moreover they should give the special discount to the regular customer and then it will help a lot to make or attract the new customers. Further if any customer complaining about the product or the service they should give him free foot long sub or whatever customer need. Apart from this subway restaurant provide same deals for long time. They should change their menu according to the demands of customer. The best way is to get the feedback from the visitors and then improve the way of service. 2.4 Planning and Control system 2.4 a Findings Planning and controlling system is the main and difficult part for the every organisation. Its depending on the owner of the organisation how he will set the strategic plan to achieve the goal. The planning chart goes through like this: Overview of the business planning process Effective business planning has to begin with an honest and realistic appraisal of the current position of the business.   The formal term for this is situational analysis and there are several planning tools and methods which are helpful in putting the analysis together. The true purpose of situational analysis is to determine which opportunities to pursue: PEST analysis    it is a useful tool for any business to understand the big picture of the environment in which you are operating. By understanding your environment, you can take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the threats. SWOT Analysis The major source to find any of the problems in the organisation is swot analysis. It show the what are the cause that business going down or losing its sale. There are four elements of swot: C:UsersfriendsDesktop1268846750fRcf1x.jpg Strength There are number of food restaurants in the market and make the space in the market place its too difficult and subway restaurants trying their best to make the best space in the market thats why now a days they are providing numbers of meal to the customers. Weakness The main part of every organisation is their employee it depending on them how far they will achieve their goals. The subway restaurant team members always keep in mind to give an excellent service to customer. Moreover its the first part of their duty to serve the customer nice and well. Opportunities The opportunities give the more advantage to the organisation to achieve their goals. Its show what are the possibilities to make the better place in the market against other organisation. Threats There are numbers of problems comes while any businesses take place in the market. The major is the finance. Now a days establish a business is not easy its too hard for everyone and if anyone opening the business then its second thing comes in front that how far it will successful. Benefits of planning: Manage risk planning for the future provides an organisation with an external focus and can help identify potential risks for the organisation, highlighting your weaknesses and alert you to future dangers. Motivate your staff Thinking strategically or long-term provides the opportunity to look back at past successes and celebrate what you do well. Recognition of such achievements will not only encourage staff to make future improvements. Be creative Bringing everyone together to talk about the future of the organisation often helps to develop and stimulate new ideas, working out how to do things better, improve on past performance and seek to deliver sustainable services into the future. Improve corporations It helps to all company to work together in a teams and all gives their best in every task. All company staff corporate with each other in any stage and helps each others. 2.4 a Analysis In my views the planning should be in long term period of time and in the research it found that subway restaurant have no any long term planning that what they will do. Even the employees are just coming to do their task and they are not giving their any views to the owner or manager. Other thing is the manager is not behaving well with the employees. So they keep on leave the job and when they hire the new worker then they spend the more than two or three week to train him. Apart from this they are not doing the group task. During the work if they are doing anything wrong then they are not thinking what is the impact of the mistake on the business and its found that during the shift the manager did rude behaviour with the customer because of that subway restaurant lost the customer as well as reputation. The owner should well organise the team and divided their task and other thing the manager not doing his task and he putting the burden on the employees. Furthermore the controlling system is not well the workers going to finish their job what time they want even they not inform to owner. There should be the proper system of controlling. They should ensure that the right thing happening in the right way and at the right time. 2.5 Team structure and dynamics 2.5 a Findings Subway Organization is collections of people. Within these groups, there are many separate teams created for specific purposes. Individuals might be on a single team, or multiple teams. By doing this, it improve productivity quality. Formal or informal:- The formal group is the  deliberate  and  systematic  grouping of people in an organization so that organizational goals are better achieved. It means that the total no. of people working in this business is divided into smaller groups and each group is responsible for fulfilling a task which would ultimately contribute to fulfilling the organizations goal. This increases the efficiency of the organization. Roles of individual in a group:- Makes sure that job is done by given time limits They keep in mind the group works and the task Makes sure that everyone knows what they are supposed to do. Assists the ones who need help Gives different suggestions Ensures that everyone has understood and is able to pass the created information forward Makes sure that everyone is able to do his/her tasks Asks critical but constructive questions Encourages everyone to do their best Gives credit for good ideas or good jobs and also reward them if they have done well. Invites shy or silent workers to contribute Gets all the needed materials and tools and takes care of them Organises the environment suitable for effective work and teamwork 2.4 b Analysis Structure helps to define the tasks and responsibilities, workers role and relationship and channel of communication that exist within an organisation but in the subway there is no proper system to maintain the group task. If the worker dont know how to do the job then they should give him proper training and there should be batch on his t-shirt that this worker is under the training. Nobody understand the importance of the team structure and they miss use their job position as well as if anyone is not doing the proper job then instead of tell him the other workers always try to put him down that is the bigger thing happening in the subway. 2.6 Leadership 2.6 a Findings A simple  definition of leadership  is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. A leader is a person who is the one in the group that possesses the leadership skills that makes others want to follow his direction and do the task. The good leader always keep in mind that how he will manage all the things and he always use the specific plan for each task. He always prefers to the team to give their views that how we can achieve our target. He always try to do his best as well as comparing to other workers he always do the extra things and give the time to the employee because he know that the workers are the base of the organisation. 2.6 b Analysis The team leader always know the workers attitude and he working according to them but in subway restaurant the manager of the workers dont know what he has to do. He is not defining the task to his workers and instead of encourage then he always try to show them that he is the best. The main thing he is not discussing the problems with the employees that what type of problems they are facing during the work time and if they are getting then he should try to solve them as good leader. Thank you

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Roethkes Use of Tone Essay -- My Papas Waltz Poems Poetry Essays

Roethke's Use of Tone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Childhood experiences seem to be the ones that are recollected most vividly throughout a person's life. Almost everyone can remember some aspect of his or her childhood experiences, pleasant and unpleasant alike. Theodore Roethke's poem "My Papa's Waltz" suggests even further that this concept could be true. The dance described in this poem illustrates an interaction between father and child that contains more than the expected joyous, loving attitude between the two characters. Roethke's tone in this work exhibits the blended, yet powerful emotions that he, as a grown man, feels when looking back on this childhood experience. The author somewhat implicates feelings of resentment fused with a loving reliance with his father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For example, the first two lines of the poem read: "The whiskey on your breath/ Could make a small boy dizzy;" (Roethke 668). This excerpt appears to set a dark sort of mood for the entire rest of the poem. By the first two lines, the reader may already see how this man feels about his father's drunkenness. It seems as if Roethke has preceded his poem with this factor in order to demonstrate the resentment that he feels toward his father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, the last two lines of the poem suggest feelings other than resentment: "Then waltzed me off to bed/ Still clinging to your shirt" (Roethke 668). By mentioning the fact that his father put him to bed, Roethke seems to show affectionate feelings Bridges 2 involved in this dance. He shows his caring feelings in the last line by using the words "still clinging". "Certainly, this small boy's family life has its frightening side, but the last line suggests the boy is still clinging to his father with persistent if also complicated love" (Kennedy and Gioia 668). Although their dance appears to be "comic", Roethke seems to possess "an odd and ambivalent closeness" to his apparently intoxicated father (Balakian 62).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Still even more evidence of these mixed feelings is illustrated in the third stanza. "This love dance, a kind of blood rite between father and son, shows suppressed terror combined with awe-inspired dependency" (Balakian 62). "The hand that held my wrist/was battered on one knuckle;/ At every step you missed/ My right ear scraped a buckle"(Roethke 668). The speaker's father's hand being "battered on one knuckle" is indicative of a man who... ... quite demonstrative of how Bridges 5 powerful his feelings for his father must have been. "†¦Roethke tried, through careful revisions to balance negative and positive tones in 'My Papa's Waltz'" (McKenna 36).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although the dance between him and his father was rough and aggressive, the very fact that Roethke chose to write about the waltz indicates that it is a special moment he remembers sharing with his father. The poet has a remarkable ability to describe the moment and not his feelings. This is what makes "My Papa's Waltz" so interesting and leaves so much to interpretation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Balakian, Peter. Theodore Roethke's Far Fields. Baton Rouge: Louisiana   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  State University Press, 1989. Gioia, Dana, & Kennedy, X. J. (Eds.). (1999). Literature: An Introduction to Fiction,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Poetry, and Drama. 7th Edition. New York, NY: Longman. McKenna, John J. "Roethke's Revisions and the Tone of 'My Papa's Waltz'". ANQ   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Spring 1998: v11n2. Online. Galileo. 21 October 1999. Roethke, Theodore. "My Papa's Waltz"., Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 7th Ed. New York, NY:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Longman, 1999. 668.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Video Game Propaganda :: Entertainment Advertising Papers

Video Game Propaganda Propaganda is hidden in our literature, spews from our radios, and is even inside our televisions. Propaganda, information or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponent's cause in such a way as to hide negative aspects, surrounds us all in every aspect of our lives. It is unavoidable and now it is gaining ground in yet another technology. Throughout the years technology has always been used to wield propaganda. Even canvas paintings have had their hand in such a form of information with depictions of current events that resemble the style of some of today's political cartoons. The printing press provided the ability to mass produce pamphlets supporting or putting down a cause. Thomas Paine's Common Sense comes to mind when one thinks of propaganda pamphlets because of its large impact it had on informing the thirteen colonies of the importance of the American Revolution. The radio not only allowed a message to be able to reach a wider audience in a shorter amount of time, but messages could even reach those who were illiterate. The television and movies reach a wider audience still and a visual style becomes very important to propaganda and helps immerse the viewer into the information. More recently propaganda has been wielded through computer technology. Web sites for the respective governments and factions of the U.S. military are all over the World Wide Web. Banner ads (essentially mini posters that are sometimes animated) appear on various web sites that are chosen in much the same way that companies choose which television shows to buy advertisement time during. In all occasions of propaganda infiltrating the newest technologies the purpose is always to reach the audience the propaganda is directed towards and that is certainly no exception with propaganda's recent involvement with video game technology. Video game propaganda is just as effective as past incarnations of propaganda if not more so because of its immersive nature. The US Government's History with Video Game Technology In the late 1970s a video games started their long relationship with the U.S. military. An arcade game entitled "Mech War" was introduced into an Army War College. This was the first of quite a few games introduced into colleges to be used as skill-enhancers. The military recognized the ability of video games to hone reflexes and hand-eye coordination. In the 1980s the U.S. Army modified "Battlezone," a futuristic 3D tank battle game that actually introduced the idea of a first person shooter.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Confidence Intervals

The confidence intervals represent upper and lower bounds of variation around each reference forecast. Values may occur outside the confidence intervals due to external shocks, such as extreme weather, structural changes to the economic system, geopolitical events, or technology development. The confidence intervals increase in width throughout the forecast period due to the increasing level of uncertainty in each subsequent year.The upper and lower bounds were based on one to two standard deviations of the historic values, indicating at least a 68 percent probability that future values would be expected to fall within the confidence interval. The confidence interval for the first forecast year is based on one standard deviation and grows linearly until it reaches two standard deviations, or a 95 percent probability. =====================================================================================For example, if we have polled a number of respondents from the home owners let†™s say 3500 respondents, and from those only 1190 are using electricity to heat their homes, this means that 34. 0% are using electricity to heat their homes, p? = 1190/3500 = 34. 0%. And we know that a second sample of 3500 home owners wouldn’t have a sample proportion of exactly 34. 0%. If another group of home owners has taken and we found that they have a sample of proportion of 38. 0%, So the sampling proportion will be the key to our ability to generalize from our sample to the population.Now, we know that the sampling distribution model is centered at the true proportion, p, of all home owners who use electricity to heat their homes. But we don’t know p. it isn’t 34. 0%. That’s the p? from our sample. What we do know is that the sampling distribution model of p? centered at p, and we know that the standard deviation of the sampling distribution is SE(p? ) = v p? q? /n = v(. 34)(1-. 34)/3500 = 0. 008 Because our sample (3500) is large, we know tha t the sampling distribution model for p? should look approximately like the one shown below The sampling distribution model for p? s normal with a mean of p and a standard deviation we estimate to be v p? q? /n. because the distribution is normal, we’d expect that about 68% of all samples of 3500 home owners taken in a specific time would have had sample proportion within 1 standard deviation of p. and about 95% of all these samples will have proportions within p  ± 2 SEs. But where is our sample proportion in this picture? And what value does p have? We still don’t know! We do know that for 95% of random samples, p? will be no more than 2 SEs away from p. so let’s reverse it and look at it from p? ’s point of view. If I am p? there is a 95% chance that p is no more than 2 SEs away from me. If I reach out 2 SEs, or 2 x 0. 008, away from me on both sides, I am 95% sure that p will be within my grasp. Of course, I won’t know, and even if my interva l does catch p, I still don’t know its true value. Now, We don’t know exactly what proportion of home owners using electricity to heat their homes, but we know that it’s within the interval 34. 0%  ± 2 x 0. 8%. That is, it’s between 32. 2% and 35. 6%. † this is getting closer, but we still can’t be certain. We can’t know for sure that the true proportion is in this interval-or in any particular range.We don’t know the exactly the proportion of home owners that use electricity to heat their homes, but the interval from 32. 4% to 35. 6% probably contains the true proportion. † We’ve now fudged twice—first by giving an interval and second by admitting that we only think the interval â€Å"probably† contains the true value. That last statement is true; we can tighten it up by quantifying what we mean by â€Å"probably. † We saw that 95% of the time when we reach out 2 SEs from p? , we capture p, s o we can be 95% confident that this is one of those times, after putting a number on the probability that this interval covers the true proportion,We are 95% confident that between 32. 4% and 35. 6% of home owners using electricity to heat their homes, this is now an appropriate interpretation of our confidence intervals. It’s not perfect, but it’s about the best we can do. Level of Confidence = 95% =1- ? = 0. 05 Sample size (n) = 3500 Sample proportion (p? ) = 0. 34 P complement (q? ) = (1-0. 34) = 0. 66 Sample standard error of a proportion = SE(p? ) = v p? q? /n = v(. 34)(1-. 34)/3500 = 0. 008 Z Score(1 – ? ) = Z Score95% = NORMSINV (1 – ? /2) = NORMSINV (1 – 0. 025) = NORMSINV (0. 975) = 1. 96 Width of Half the Confidence Interval = Z Score(1-? *  S(q? ) = 1. 96 *  0. 008 = 0. 01568 Confidence Interval Boundaries = p? +/- Z Score(1-? )*S(p? )= 0. 34  ± (1. 96) * (0. 008) = 0. 34  ± (0. 01568) = 0. 32432 to 0. 35568 = 32. 43% to 35. 57% We can be 95% certain that the percentage of home owners using electricity to heat their homes is between 32. 43% and 35. 57% 0. 01568 0. 01568 0. 316 0. 3243 0. 332 0. 34 0 . 348 0. 3557 0. 364 0. 316 0. 3243 0. 332 0. 34 0 . 348 0. 3557 0. 364

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Paper On Customer Satisfaction

Marketing Is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering values to customers and for managing customer relationships In ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. These values are related to an economic dimension and the psychological dimension of the said marketing definition. The same dimensions speak about perceived price through transaction values and cognitive and affective influences on brand choice and affective influences.This definition of marketing leads to the importance and critical roles of customers perception of corporate Images and reputation leading to customer satisfaction as an Intermediary to customer loyalty. This Is done In relevance with the belief and fact that customers are the primary ‘assets' of a market and not the product itself. With customers being satisfied, or if customers show a high level of satisfaction then only can the market for the particular product grow. This in turn can lea d to customer loyalty and loyalty intention. What is Customer Satisfaction?Customer Satisfaction Is said to be able to Increase product sales and bring about fulfillment response. It is a Judgment that a product or service feature, or the reduce itself, provided or is providing a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment including levels of under or over-fulfillment. † It is the degree of experience that a customer receives from a good or service provided by a market. Thus ‘Customer Satisfaction' is the measure of this degree of experience or pleasure of customers measured by the number of repeated customers who repeatedly use the goods or service.It is also seen that customer satisfaction leads to the customers being loyal to the product or service thus in return be loyal to the particular brand of the product. It can also be used as a measure of loyalty intention. Oliver(1997) defined customer's loyalty as â€Å"a deep held commitment to rebury or re-patron ize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts that have the potential to cause switching behavior. Loyalty then is the intent or the customer's behavior to rebury the same product or service from a particular source (thus linking to a brand) because of the satisfaction that he or she achieved from using the product/service repeatedly. Why is Customer Satisfaction Important? Talking about customer satisfaction, one must understand why customer satisfaction is important. In asking that question the following reasons come up based on research. The main point is because customer satisfaction as a measure of loyalty intention and customer retention is a leading indicator and a point differentiator.Studying customer satisfaction or performing customer satisfaction surveys yields a better understanding of customer lifetime value and reduces customer chur n. In saying so, keeping and making old customers satisfied is a lot cheaper than acquiring new ones. Making customers happy reduces negative word of mouth for the product or service and thus doesn't affect the product or service negatively. On the other hand, with satisfied and happy customers word of mouth would enable an acquisition of many more other customers who can then be transformed to satisfied customers and then into totally satisfied customers.Retaining customers who are satisfied isn't much of a problem, it is those customers who often have problems with the products or services offered that needs to be looked into. Suppose if a ‘satisfaction' survey is carried out on a particular product, and the result gives a list if any customers who are not satisfied with the product or who gives a low rating for the product; then one must look into how and why they are unsatisfied with the product. One can keep a watch list on these customers and follow up with different que ries so as to determine why they are not satisfied.In knowing this, the brand can know the actual number of people who have intent of repurchase and of those who are actually loyal to the brand. The main difference between competitors in a market is their ability to retain and satisfy those customers who continue to be with them. Bringing customer satisfaction as a main strategy or a core point of action for a brand can be a detrimental factor for two or more competitors offering the same service or product. Take for example Competitor A and Competitor B both offering Product X.A customer C would go for either of the competitor's Product X if C would have received feedback from another customer (say D) if D would have given a positive feedback to given a positive word of mouth feedback to C of the Product X from Competitor A if the competitor A had offered or given a high level of satisfaction to the customer D. Thus the main differentiating factor for C for choosing product X from A and B would highly depend on the recommendation from D. This is what is meant by acquiring new customers and retaining old ones based on customer satisfaction.Studies have shown that totally satisfied customers are more loyal to a brand than Just satisfied customers. The Customer Lifetime Value (CLC) which can yield profit from a customer based on prediction of spending of the customer on a particular product or service is different for totally and Just satisfied customers. Just satisfied customers can and eight defect to other products or services and have a lower CLC. This is because with just satisfied customers, chances of new products from competitors who offer better services and benefits might make them shift from their regular brand and products.This can be attributed to the effect of the new product attributes that wooed them to shift or because of the lack of retention capability of the current brand. In the case of totally satisfied customers however, a new product or s ervice with better offers and benefits than the current brand isn't enough to deter them to take a shift. This might be due to the high loyalty they have towards their current brand because of their high levels of satisfaction they achieved from using the product or service or because of the brand's capability to retain them by incorporating customer satisfaction strategies in their business plans.Thus we can see that Just satisfied customers are willing to shift to other products more readily than totally satisfied customers. Markets should be able to distinguish between these two and formulate strategies to convert Just satisfied to totally satisfied customers which can raise the Customer Lifetime Value and thus increase profit. Consistency as a Customer Satisfaction Tool For a brand to be able to retain customers and to make them satisfied and happy, consistency is one of the major routes in achieving total customer satisfaction.The consistency that the paper talks about is the c onsistent satisfaction of a customer and its measure of relation to the overall sum of customer satisfaction over a period of time. This is in contrast to the measure of a five point scale satisfaction survey of individual customers. In measuring this satisfaction consistency, we measure the attestation levels of an individual customer for a particular product or service provided by a certain brand over their continued use and repurchase of the product or brand. This gives us a better understanding of the customer's response to the product or service though out the customer lifetime value.With increasing use of the product the customer can either be satisfied, totally satisfied or be frustrated with the product. This study based on consistency can then be translated into strategies or plans to enable the brand to retain the dissatisfied customer, convert the Just testified and improve the totally satisfied customer. Throughout the customers' lifetime with the product the brands cons istent work to provide them with excellent and effortless service and a consistent support mechanism can ensure maximum customer satisfaction. However not all brands can offer and deliver the same.Having a positive customer-experience emotions- encompassed in a feeling of trust-were the biggest drivers of satisfaction and loyalty in a majority of industries. Consistency with customers in relationships, services and relations is important to forge trust brands' customer pool. A company's brand is driven by more than the combination of promises made and kept. It is also critical to ensure customers recognize the delivery of those promises. This requires communicating and key messages that consistently highlight delivery and themes.In this case customer's perceptions and views of the brand are reinforced. This in turn generates goodwill in the minds of the customers thus leading into a satisfaction level though the communication of these fulfilling promises and on time market communica tions to reinforce experiences. Relationship between Price and Satisfaction Say a customer A was traveling and had to stop to stay for a night. The hotel that he stayed charged him an exorbitant amount as the room rent and other charges and this caused A to be upset and thus dissatisfied with the hotel.But because of the urgent requirement he had to put up with it. But in staying at the hotel he found out that the overall service of the hotel, the staffs and the facilities provided were much more than he anticipated. When asked to rate the hotel he gave it a ten out of ten. This is an example of how price can be related to satisfaction. But this is not the case with most products and services. Customers often expect good sales and services when they pay a hefty price for a product. If the product performs they are more likely to continue the use of the same product and recommend the same to others.The opposite is the case if the product doesn't meet the necessary requirements the cu stomer had in mind while paying for it. If that's the case, a sure negative response from the customer via word of mouth would go to others, thus making the brand lose out on a potential customer while not retaining a customer. Thus customer satisfaction and price has a direct negative relationship and impact on customer attention. This is regardless of satisfaction with the service experience or reward programmer membership status.This also shows the price sensitivity of customers in relation to being satisfied with a product or service. Achieving Customer Satisfaction As customer satisfaction is an important factor for brands, companies and the market, plans and strategies must be included to achieve the same. This part of the paper will give a simple layout on how to achieve customer satisfaction. Since the business or the market continues to exist because of the customer, the customer should be made the first priority. This is in accordance to what was said at the beginning of t he paper where customers where declared as assets of a market.If customers are unhappy and uncaring for a product or service; chances are they have already made up their minds to shift to another. They also are highly capable to spread negativity about the same product or service via word of mouth. A â€Å"Can-Do† attitude by sales executives and the staffs in general can go a long way to making customers happy and satisfied. Inconvenience caused by the staffs and personnel at a retail shop or outlet can cause a very long lasting negative impression on the minds f the customers. The lesser the complaints received, the more highly the customer is satisfied with the service.Communication with customers also offers a great platform in creating relationships with them and building trust in them. Also communication about the services and products provided by the brand to increase the knowledge of the customer is an ideal way to retain customers. If the full quality and service of a product and the extent to which the product or service can be used is made known to customer gets about the product or service, the more highly it can affect his/her purchase decision again and again. This can then lead to customer retention and satisfaction.Timing is also one of the basic factors that can lead to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. On time deliveries, sales and services, and deadlines are real time factors influencing customer satisfaction. Uncertainty and lack of confidence with customers are negative points on the customer's mind. Your customer expects prompt, courteous service. When asking for service help, your customer should never have to make a second call. Establish clearly defined and attainable service standards using the input of customers and employees. Ensure hat those standards are thoroughly understood by employees and promoted to customers.Put the standards into practice through employee reward programs that establish and recognize excellenc e in service. Research into competitors actions to improve your own goals and improve your own techniques and services. Remember that the customer is the markets' everything. Complains must be listened and taken into account. Positive solutions must be encouraged along with politeness, compliments and enthusiasm. You are the company that the customer sees. The customer is always evaluating you, so offer a better service than your competitors ND always show interest in the customer.Conclusion In concluding we can see that although there are customers who will always buy and purchase a product or service because of needs and requirements; totally satisfied customers are hard to find. Retaining Just satisfied customers also is a hard process since it entails a lot of work and research into why there can be a shift even when they are satisfied. Customer satisfaction is thus seen as not Just a unit of measure for brands and markets to calculate their profits and revenues but is seen as a n important factor for marketing strategies and plans.This is because the more satisfied the customers are, the more loyal they can become and the more loyal they become the more benefit the brand and the market can achieve from them in terms of profit and revenue. The results of the study shows that the markets offering different products and services should concentrate on customer satisfaction as it plays an important role in retaining customers which are the â€Å"Assets† of any market. References 1. Enhance Plus; â€Å"Why is Customer Satisfaction Important? † 2. â€Å"The effect of price on return intentions: Do satisfaction and reward programmer membership matter?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Impact of Vietnam War on American culture Research Paper

Impact of Vietnam War on American culture - Research Paper Example There were various innovative factors that contributed to the perception of the war. One of them is the transmission of the information of the war by the media particularly television. Its impact on the Vietnam’s war played a more significant role than in any other conflict in the 20th century. It was an innovative method that replaced newspapers and radios, which were the main mode of broadcasting at the time. The general public was involved in the Vietnam struggle raising the height of public opposition. Due to the unlimited access of journalists and photographers in the battlefields, the public were able to see the war as they had never seen before. The war influenced almost all branches of the American culture. However, it is crucial to determine how much the description of the war influenced the lives of the Americans and the whether its representation changed over time. The diverse methods used in approaching the Vietnam War were in accordance to various forms of artistic designs and all forms of cultural categories. Thus, the combination of all the factors of the war resulted into Americans growing tired of the violence and encouraged them to come up with efforts to find their way out of the war. One of the impacts that the war had on the American culture was on the literary culture of the Americans. In the first few years after the withdrawal of the Americans from the war, there were less literary works to represent the attitudes toward the Vietnam War. The change overturned in the late 1970’s and early 1980 are when various forms of literary works started to floods the markets. Most of them represented personal narratives from individuals who had first hand experiences of the war. One good example is the novel, armies of the night by Norman Mailer in 1968. It represented a reflection of the march on the pentagon in DC in 1967 (Anderson, 2011).

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Answer questions related to psycholgy subject Coursework

Answer questions related to psycholgy subject - Coursework Example According to the video, a teenager needs more than nine hours of sleep for his well-being. My parents always made sure that I get enough sleep especially during my exams. Although the quantity of time they spent with me in my teenage was less as they were both working; still, the quality of time they spent communicating with me was high which compensated for their not being present 24/7. Sometimes, I wished they could talk to me more often when I would feel stressed out or emotionally disturbed. The only thing that I wish my parents would have done in my teenage is taking me out so that we could spend some time together outdoors as well. I have learned that, in order to reduce stress, it is important to drag myself to relax physically and mentally. I should do meditation or yoga function to de-stress myself. I should calm down my muscles and tell myself to relax no matter how much stress I am into. Since stress affects one’s ability to increase blood pressure and shut down pregnancy, it is something I should manage to save future inconveniences. High blood pressure cause cardiac problems which I definitely would not like to have, thus I will learn stress management techniques. How much control should parents have over their child’s genetic makeup is decided by Nature and not by the parents. No parents till date have been able to create the best baby according to their desires by manipulating with the genes, as the video says. Scientists believe that man knows very little of the complex machine that carries genes, and playing with genes is rather more complex. Man has been able to genetically modify animals and plants, but making changes to the genetic makeup of a child has not been possible as yet. Parents might want to operate with their unborn child’s genes but Nature has not given them full control over the genetic machinery. To foster healthy relationship with children, parents need to enjoy the bonding they share with them, play with them,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Economics of Shipping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Economics of Shipping - Essay Example This paper deals with how different factors affect bulk carrier's demand and supply and how Baltic Dry Index be used to predict the demand and supply of Dry Bulk Carrier for next three months. This paper also describes how recent global economic recession has caused decrease in steel production and thus decreases in global demand for iron, coal and minor bulk commodities and how this has affected the demand for bulk carriers. The paper also deals with industry specific risk factors and how they can affect the earnings of the companies supplying bulk carriers. A bulk carrier is a merchant ship that is used to transport bulk cargo that is not packaged such as coal, ore and grains. The ship usually carries cargo in its cargo holds. It is a ship in which the cargo is carried as bulk. The bulk carriers were first made in 1852 but with time, the economic forces caused these ships to become more sophisticated and caused them to increase in size. There are two types of bulk carriers, wet bulk carrier and dry bulk carrier. The bulk carriers are dominating merchant ships. In terms of tonnage they comprise about one third of total world's fleet. So far the world's largest bulk carrier is able to carry about 365,000 metric tons of dead weight (DWT). The bulk carriers are divided into six main categories: small, handy size, handy max, panamex, capsize, very large bulk carrier (VLBC) (MAN Diesel Group, 2005, p. 3-4. ). Small bulk carriers have capacity of about 10,000 DWT and mini bulk carriers are most popular amongst them. They have a capacity of about 500 to 2000 tons and are usually used for river transport. Such ships easily pass under bridges and they have small crew. Handymax and Handy size have a capacity of more than 10,000 DWT and these two represent about 71% of all bulk carriers. Handymax ships have a capacity of about 52,000 DWT and have about four holds to carry cargo. Panamax canal's lock chamber limits the size of Panamax vessels. And it can accommodate ships with beam of up to 32.31m, a length of overall of up to 294.13m, and a draft of up to 12.04m (Autoridad del Canal de Panam, 2005, pp. 11- 12) Capesize vessels are very large vessels and have capacity of about 20,000 DWT. They carry cargo mainly like coal and iron. Large capacity capesize ships are specially designed to carry iron. Baltic Dry Index Baltic Dry Index is based on Baltic Exchange. This index is means of providing prices of raw materials transported by sea (Baltic Exchange, 2009).. The Baltic Exchange is a membership organization and its member is at the heart of world trade. Every day brokers around the world want to know how much it would cost to transport cargo around the world. These indices are made by assessment of international broking companies. The bulk cargo market relies on the mutual agreement and cooperation of ship owners and brokers to ensure a smooth flow of business(Baltic Exchange, 2009).. It is a rule of Baltic Exchange that all members should follow a code of business and abide by the rules. In case any member fails to follow rules then the member is expelled. There are about five hundred companies and about two thousand people that are member of Baltic Exchange